A lot happens in the first nine minutes of Vantage Point, seen through the POV of a news director. There's a big peace summit in Spain, and it's supposed to be the most important political event in the history of political events. There's a huge crowd of people, some supporters, some protesters. Then the U.S. President (Hurt) arrives in the usual presidential parade of limos, then he joins the event, surrounded by his Secret Service escorts, one of which is Dennis Quaid. Then the Spanish Prime Minister speaks to the crowd. Then President Hurt addresses the crowd. Then President Hurt is shot. Then a bomb explodes and pandemonium breaks out. Then a bigger bomb explodes, destroying much of the plaza. Then we see a few minutes of the aftermath.
So far, so okay. I mean, it's absurd that Sigourney Weaver, as the GNN news director, is surrounded by a staff of what appear to be underachieving high-schoolers for what is supposed to be one of world history's most poignant moments. It just seems lkike they might staff her team with some seasoned vets. But whatever. It's semi-interesting and watchable at this point.
Then, in the tenth minute, after all of this has transpired, the movie quickly rewinds and fades to black, and the words "23 minutes earlier" appear on the screen. Then we see a shirtless Dennis Quaid in his hotel room, we hear a knock on his door, and fellow Secret Service agent Matthew Fox tells him it's time to go.
So now I'm having a hard time watching the movie, cuz all I can think about is the fact that just 23 minutes before all of this stuff has finished taking place, one of the key Secret Service agents was just waking up in his hotel room. Forget the fact that the events alone would probably need more than an hour or so to unfold, whatever. But you'd just think that maybe escorting the U.S. President to one of the most important events in history might bring with some duties and preparations that would need tending to in the hours leading up to the event. Mere minutes before the President is heading to this epic summit, the Secret Service has nothing better to do than take a quick nap. Hm.
Combined, we have 8 Oscar nominationss and 2 wins. We're better than this movie.
So now I expect the movie to suck. I'll watch for a bit and see, but I'm pretty pessimistic now.
I watched the whole thing and basically, it continued to suck. It's kinda hard to say exactly why it sucked, though. The concept was interesting, the screenplay wasn't horrible, and it had a pretty powerful cast. But it still basically sucked. It had a feel that was cheap and the whole thing was totally absurd. So I'd just recommend skipping this one.
(Bri: Jess had no desire to see Vantage Point, so I went solo on this one.)